Holiday Stress and Chiropractic

This time of year we all start to experience more stress.  From the joys of cooking and hanging out with family to the excitement of racing around to find that perfect gift.  And of course don’t forget about all that lovely Michigan snow that we get to shovel...

Manipulation Decreases Back Pain

It seems like a recurring theme in these blog articles.  Chiropractic works.  Chiropractic can decrease your pain.  Chiropractic can increase your range of motion.  Chiropractic can help you sleep better.  Chiropractic can help you become more active with less pain....

What is a Typical Chiropractic Treatment Schedule

Most patients that present to my office have back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, arm pain or tingling, and hip pain.  We will discuss some of the options of a “typical” treatment plan.  How many treatments it takes for the “average”...

Chiropractic is Drug Free

I’m sure you have seen in the news or read on Facebook or Twitter how many people are effected by opioid addiction.  It is an incredibly difficult addiction to overcome and unfortunately can lead to a heroin addiction, which is all too available in our area. A...

Chiropractic Care Helps Headaches

Yes, I know, we already know this and have talked about it before.  However, there was a new study that came out that I wanted to share with you.  I love that chiropractic care has been getting so much research over the past decade.  Not only does it help explain to...

What’s a Back/Neck Sprain

I have a lot of patients that come in and tell me they went to to urgent care or the emergency room and were told they have a back or neck sprain.  Typically they are given anti-inflammatory medicine and maybe a muscle relaxer.  I have seen a new trend instead of...